Welcome to Fathers Matter
A native New Yorker and the father of two beautiful children and two step-children. I experienced life living with just my biological children as well as life living with all my children under one roof as a blended family. It was a transformational experience filled with love, challenges and the art of compromise. I started this journey about fatherhood primarily because of all the negative stereotypes that I would read and see in the media; such as the absent father and imprisoned drug-abusing black men are the images that I consistently saw portrayed in the media. However, in my world that was not true. Most of my friends and family lived in two-parent homes and their fathers were active participants in the community. Although I did not grow up with my biological father, I still had many strong father figures in my life and a supportive extended family that made me into the person that I am today. Now that I have had the opportunity to travel the world, I have seen fathers from all walks of life representing different nationalities, many of whom are doing their part as the involved father. I hope to create a site where fathers are just not just posting pictures but sharing lessons learned so that others can benefit from their experiences.

Emanuel, Founder
Creator of Father's Matter >

I see myself as the provider by ensuring my family has a stable, spiritual and nurturing and home life. I understand that my role as a provider is a shared role and each person in the family has a role to play in the maintenance of our family’s household.
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